Read clojure map values 1/2
Continuing the series about clojure map we are now going to explore more deeply how to read a map.
For those who missed the previous chapters:
Create Maps Overview of: hash-map, array-map, zipmap, sorted-map and sorted-map-by
Create Maps Overview of: bean, frequencies, group-by, clojure.set/index
In the next 2 chapters we are going to explore more deeply functions such as: get
, get-in
, contains?
, find
, keys
, vals
and select-keys
Let’s start with the easiest one,
As you already know from the first part of the series, get
takes a map and a key as inputs and returns the value associated with that key in the map.
If the key is not present get
returns nil.
user> (get {:a 1 :b 2} :a)
user> (get {:a 1 :b 2} :c)
is a little more powerfull than this, if you provide a third argument in case of a missing key get
will return such argument.
user> (get {:a 1 :b 2} :c :value-not-found)
user> (get {:a 1 :b 2} :c "of course it can be everything")
"of course it can be everything"
Also :keywords, that can be used as functions passing the map as argument, have this nice feature of the third argument.
user> (:a {:a 1 :b 2})
user> (:d {:a 1 :b 2} :key-not-found)
Now that we understand get
let’s move to its big brother,
As you know maps can contain anything as value, even other maps.
It is easy to see that you can create arbitrarialy nested maps.
user> (def nested-map {:a {:b {:c {:d "foo"} :e {:f {:g "bar"}}}}})
user> nested-map
{:a {:b {:e {:f {:g "bar"}}, :c {:d "foo"}}}}
How do you access “foo” and “bar” ?
A possible, acceptable, solution would be to use the ->
user> (-> nested-map :a :b :e :f :g)
user> (-> nested-map :a :b :c :d)
However this is exactly the job of get-in
, let’s see it in action:
user> (get-in nested-map [:a :b :e :f :g])
user> (get-in nested-map [:a :b :c :d])
user> (get-in nested-map [:a :b :wrong :d])
user> (get-in nested-map [:a :b :wrong :d] :not-found)
Using the get-in
function you will also get the possibility to specify the key-not-found return value.
The name is self explanatory, it will tell you if a particular key is in the map or not, it won’t return the value.
Bonus Fact: A little note about the name conventions in clojure: a function whose name terminates with ?
is supposed to return either true
or false
user> (contains? {:a 1 "b" 2} :a)
user> (contains? {:a 1 "b" 2} :c)
user> (contains? {:a 1 "b" 2} "b")
Finally let’s talk briefly about find
, as you may have guessed find
will lookup a map entry in your map and return it.
A map entry is a pair [:key "value"]
user> (find {:a 1 "b" 2} "b")
["b" 2]
user> (find {:a 1 "b" 2} :c)
Next time we are going to explore three more functions, keys
, vals
and select-key
In a couple of chapters we will discuss why map entries are important.
As always, if you have any questions or would like to just say hi
you can comment here or write me an email.
Here you can find the next chapter: Read Clojure Map 2/2: keys, vals, select-keys